recent transactions
Distributor – glasses and frames
- Growing company requiring additional working capital to support higher inventory levels.
Financing obtained:
- Higher operating line of credit permitting more flexible «margining conditions» on the accounts receivables and inventory.
Manufacturer – high end men & ladies denim
- The company sells only to Canadian retailers to date but has growing interest from a few major US retailers.
- History of good profitability has enabled the company to finance itself since its creation 11 years ago.
Financing obtained:
- First ever operating line of credit to finance the accounts receivables and inventory and, consequently, permitting the company to increase its production capacity.
- Term loan also secured to finance upcoming leasehold improvements of the existing facilities.
Retailer – well known bakery franchise
- New long term lease recently signed and the franchisee needs to do major renovations of the facilities in order to comply with quality standards set by the franchise.
Financing obtained:
- Term financing to fund major renovations of a branch located in the Montreal area.
Retailer – leather clothing
- Continued sales growth since the purchase of the store by the current shareholder 5 years ago.
- The company wants to increase its product range but requires additional working capital to finance this expansion project.
Financing obtained:
- Operating line of credit to finance the store’s inventory and, consequently, allowing the retailer to introduce new brands and increase its purchasing power.
Retailer – well known sushi restaurant
- Restaurant experiencing strong sales growth and gaining in popularity in its market since its opening 4 years ago.
- The existing shareholders wish to sell the business in order to concentrate more on their main area of activity.
Financing obtained:
- Term loan to finance 100% of the purchase price of the restaurant including the machinery & equipment as well as the goodwill.
Importer / Distributor – various salt related products
- Significant sales increase is expected in the next year, same stemming from the introduction of new imported products at very competitive prices and potential government contracts.
Financing obtained:
- As required by 3 interested «asset-based lenders»,Ohana Capital was mandated to prepare financial projections as well as a business plan.
- The company is now better positioned to negotiate with various interested financial partners.
Importer / Manufacturer – plastic products for the home and garden
- The company has significant purchase orders («P/O’s») from a large US home renovation chain store.
- The business does not however have the liquidity required to pay for the production costs of the initial orders.
Financing obtained:
- Factoring line of credit allowing an advance rate of 100% of each invoice / account receivable, hence, maximizing the company’s cash flow.
- Working capital loan providing the company with sufficient funds to pay for the purchase of raw materials and labour costs required to fulfill the initial orders.
Service – snow removal company
- The company recently renewed its contract with a municipality located on the north shore of Montreal.
- The cyclical nature of the business and longer payment terms with the municipality contribute to tighter cash flow during certain periods of the year.
Financing obtained:
- Operating line of credit of a greater amount and permitting the company to have access to the full amount of the line of credit year round, thus, eliminating the cash flow issues.
Importer / Distributor – wine and other alcoholic beverages equipment
- Company with appreciable sales growth since its creation in 2006.
- Important purchase orders («P/O’s») from recognized government run liquor outlets.
- The amount of the existing line of credit is not sufficient to finance the purchase of inventory as required to fulfill the initial orders.
Financing obtained:
- Operating line of credit of an amount more than twice as important to finance the company’s accounts receivables and inventory.
Service – commercial laundry
- Company experiencing continued sales growth the last few years through an expansion of their client base in the governmental and health sectors.
- Additional working capital in required with revenues expected to increase again this fiscal year.
Financing obtained:
- Operating line of credit of an amount more than twice as important with better flexibility on the «margining conditions» on the accounts receivables.
- Term loan to refinance the existing term debt on the machinery & equipments at a lower interest rate.
Distributor – office equipment and accessories
- Company in a restructuring mode after 2 years of consecutive losses.
- Action plan implemented by the shareholders has started to generate positive results and profits are expected for the current fiscal year.
- A refinancing of the current debt obligations (short & long term) will be looked at once the annual financial statements for the current year are available.
Financing obtained:
- Ohana Capital was mandated to produce financial projections and a business plan outlining the restructuring plan and positive results so far.
- The company is now better positioned to negotiate with upcoming potential financial partners.
Distributor – food products
- Two new distribution centers, located in Ontario and in western Canada, are expected to be opened within the next 6 months.
- Additional funds are necessary to finance this expansion project.
Financing obtained:
- Working capital loan providing the required liquidity, thus, enabling the company to proceed with its market expansion project outside the province of Quebec.